Member of the European Parliament Dr. Peter Liese visits MENSHEN
CDU MEP Dr. Peter Liese from Olsberg recently visited the medium-sized closure specialist Georg MENSHEN in Finnentrop. After a tour of production, Liese discussed [...]

Game Changer in Production of Sustainable Mono-material Spouted Pouches
MENSHEN and Mespack, the partners who work together innovating for sustainable solutions for the flexible packaging world. The LoTUS spout from MENSHEN is perfectly [...]

MENSHEN congratulates COMPO & PreZero Polymers on winning the Plastic Packaging Product Award 2023
In Amsterdam, the COMPO liquid fertiliser bottles received an international award in the category “Plastic Packaging Product” due to their exclusive use of post-consumer [...]

BARISTA 2.0 Compostable Coffee Capsule
MENSHEN presents its new capsule with the most demanding compostability requirements (achieves EU directive EN 13432). It is certified as OK compost HOME and [...]

MENSHEN Interpack 2023 Impressions & Innovations
Creating Clever Closures Sustainable Innovator MENSHEN presented numerous innovations at Interpack 23 in Düsseldorf: Sustainable Innovator MENSHEN presented numerous innovations at Interpack 23 in [...]

The switch is easy – MENSHEN LoTUS™
The switch is easy – MENSHEN LoTUS™ Packaging essentially has the task of protecting a product, contributing to a longer shelf life in the [...]

Welcome to the Menshen team
Dr. Klaus Skrodolies comes on board as Chief Innovation Officer Just in time for the beginning of the year, we are pleased to welcome [...]

Donations handed over to children’s and youth hospice in Olpe
How MENSHEN supports two important projects at once The joy was great when MENSHEN’s management and works council came to visit the Balthasar Children’s [...]

A new face at MENSHEN
Roman Schulte is the new Director of Supply Chain Management at MENSHEN Roman Schulte laid the foundation with his mechanical engineering studies in Ravensburg-Weingarten [...]

Three concrete measures – one important goal
Climate protection is what everyone is talking about, and for good reasons. Years ago, the Georg MENSHEN GmbH & Co. KG set out to [...]

Our expertise for your good taste in coffee: MENSHEN at the AMI
Our expertise for your good taste in coffee: MENSHEN at the AMI We were part of the fifth edition of AMI´s international Single-Serve Capsules [...]

MENSHEN means sustainability all along the line
There is only this one earth. Everyone is aware of that. Therefore, it should be a matter of course for everyone to treat our [...]

Summertime is iced coffee time!..-“
Summertime is iced coffee time! If you ever held one of Lattesso’s iced coffees in your hand, you already know its a truly innovative [...]

Patents of the Month
We are pleased to be among the “Patents of the Month” of the journal “neue verpackung” and would like to introduce “our” Gyro Gearlooses: [...]

Circular Economy
Circular economy without partners along the value chain is not possible! So we are happy to discuss about Circular Plastics Solutions together with our [...]

Sustainability at the top of the list
Sustainability at the top of the list: Our customer Bübchen brings bottles made from 100% recycled plastic in the market and will save around [...]